Saturday, May 30, 2009

Am I Really a Geek?

So, I play 4 instruments, get good grades, listen to classical music, know EVERY line to LOTR (Lord of the Rings), and love Star Trek, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. Oh yeah. I started watching this series on calles "The Legend of the Seeker". It originally was a book series calles "The Sword of Truth".

The other day I found my Ring. It's the Ring from LOTR on a gold chain. I decided to wear it. I was eating lunch in a classroom and my friend pretty much attacked me and yelled "See! She can't hide her geekness!". It was funny. Then later in my English class my teacher said she was going to have us watch a movie for our final and answer questions on it. I don't know why but I totally squeeled! My friends looked at me weird and remembered I LOVE LOTR!!!!

It's not a bad thing that I'm a geek. I mean we all have our inner geek moments. I guess I just realized how geeky I was. Oh well, I like being geeky!


Anonymous said...

well if ur a geek then im a geek cuz i match pretty much all of

Jenessa said...

LOL! yeah i know!!! i decided that u and me r gunna watch all 3 in one day. i dnt think we've accomplished that...yet!