Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Snowball Fight" a poem by Jenessa Albertson

I lay on my stomach,
Trying not to get hit.
I grab a giant pile of snow.
Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!
It goes as I pat it in my hands.
I look up, Oh no!
The enemy has made a fort!
How will we win now?
I think fast, but I don't have a clue.
I make another snowball.
Quickly I get up, and take a deep breath.
I run with all my might!
I'm dodging like a pro!
I find an eunpretected enemy.
Oh, is he in for it now!
What's that?
My mom's calling?
I turn around,
I'm flat on the ground!
It wasn't my mom, but another team mate!
He Looks at me as if I were a ghost.
Who cares about sides?
Not Me!
I make another snowball,
wind up and BAM!
He's on the ground!
I hear something fall.
The fort, it has been destroyed!
Someone yells "Free-For-All!"
The world goes crazy!

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