Friday, July 17, 2009


I don't like change. Not one bit. I know people say "change is good" but they only say that so they look as if they like change. No one likes change. I mean, sure there's good change, like if you swim practice became shorter or your favorite special edition ice cream became a regular flavor. Maybe I have this great hate for change because I've had one of the biggest changes of my life happen when I was barelly 7 years old, my parents got divorced.

Change to me is like when you have a bandaid on a very fresh cut and someone rips it off. It is harmful and undnessary! But change is just a thing I'll have to live with. Life goes on, I get older therefore change is bound to come around the corner.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Am I Really a Geek?

So, I play 4 instruments, get good grades, listen to classical music, know EVERY line to LOTR (Lord of the Rings), and love Star Trek, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. Oh yeah. I started watching this series on calles "The Legend of the Seeker". It originally was a book series calles "The Sword of Truth".

The other day I found my Ring. It's the Ring from LOTR on a gold chain. I decided to wear it. I was eating lunch in a classroom and my friend pretty much attacked me and yelled "See! She can't hide her geekness!". It was funny. Then later in my English class my teacher said she was going to have us watch a movie for our final and answer questions on it. I don't know why but I totally squeeled! My friends looked at me weird and remembered I LOVE LOTR!!!!

It's not a bad thing that I'm a geek. I mean we all have our inner geek moments. I guess I just realized how geeky I was. Oh well, I like being geeky!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'ts a Love-Hate Thing

Swimming: immersed in or overflowing with water or some other liquid.

I started swimming when I was 4 years old. Most people here do because, well, we are surrounded by water. Only the talented and driven move on to the swim club. YA RIGHT! Haha! Actually, only the forced stay in past 6th grade (unless your super good which is unlikely).

I was on the swim team from kindergarten to the beginning of 7th grade. I've always had ear problems! About every other month I had an ear infection. Now I can't take some antibiotics because I'm immune to them, but that's besides the point. My ENT doctor told me I had to quit for a while so I can dry my ears out. I was super happy! I had a reason to quit swimming!

At first I didn't miss it at all, but when high school season came around and there was a swim meet in town and I went to watch it I missed it! The warm, chlorine air, the sun shining through the glass windows to the pool, the fun the team was having, all of this got to me! I got passed the missing after a while but then I started to miss it again.

I started up this April. At first I was really slow (which was expected since I hadn't swam for about two years) but I have gotten better. Some times we do fun sets but most of the time they are long and painful!

Here is an example of a set: 12 x 50 free on the :45
This means 12 50 meter (down and back at a 25 meter pool) freestyle and you have :45 seconds for each one. This is a hard set. Most swimmers my age (including me) can do from :25 to :30 second 50 freestyle.

Swimmers are the most committed people I have EVER met!!! You have practice every week day for 2 hours after school then 2 hours on early Saturday morning. If you miss a practice you make it up the time later (well most of the time you do! haha!).

Anyways, swimming is one of my favorite hobbies yet it's one of my worst enimies...but that's the relationship. It's a love-hate thing.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Monday, February 23, 2009

Why I Love My Best Friend

Yesterday my mom, my little brother, and me were driving home from town when we saw my best friend walking towards Whipple Creek from her house. She sometimes goes to our other friends house so I was not suspecting anything...UNTIL i realized she was wearing a NEW, yes, NEW skirt!!!! She only owns one skirt (well now two) so i decided to wave at her. When I did she saw me and she started to scream my name and wave her arms. Immediately I told my mom to pull over. I got out of the car and ran over to her. She told me she was watching tv when suddenly her dogs started barking EXTRA loud! She said that when she looked out side she saw Izzy, my dog. So she put on some extra-toughs, grabbed a leash, and ran outside. Izzy ran away with her neighbor dog over towards Whipple Creek. After all the info was passed to my mom, my friend and I started walking down the Whipple Creek road calling Izzy's name. After we didn't hear a bark we decided to turn around, go home, get another leash and a snack, and come back. When my mom drove me home I looked on the deck and guess who I saw, IZZY!!! So we drove back to Whipple Creek and picked my friend up and told her the news. The dog she saw was NOT Izzy.

I give my friend the Samaritan of The Year award!!!!!! I lovesss ya!!